[VIP] tag in chat, tab, and above your head in the game.
• Ability to open 1 Player Vaults
• Ability to sell 3 items on Auction House
• Ability to access the VIP mine
• Ability to use [item] in chat
• Bypass chat cooldown
• Ability to use /kit vip command
• Ability to use /warp vip command
• Ability to use /enderchest command
• Ability to use /disposal command
• Ability to use /clear command
• 1x [VIP Sword] - Wooden Sword (Sharpness 1)
• 1x [VIP Pickaxe] - Wooden Pickaxe (Efficiency 1)
• 1x [VIP Bow] - Bow (Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Helmet] - Leather Helmet (Protection 1)
• 1x [VIP Chestplate] - Leather Chestplate (Protection 1)
• 1x [VIP Leggings] - Leather Leggings (Protection 1)
• 1x [VIP Boots] - Leather Boots (Protection 1)
• Ability to open 1 Player Vaults
• Ability to sell 3 items on Auction House
• Ability to access the VIP mine
• Ability to use [item] in chat
• Bypass chat cooldown
• Ability to use /kit vip command
• Ability to use /warp vip command
• Ability to use /enderchest command
• Ability to use /disposal command
• Ability to use /clear command
• 1x [VIP Sword] - Diamond Sword (Sharpness 2, Unbreaking 3)
• 1x [VIP Pickaxe] - Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 3, Unbreaking 3)
• 1x [VIP Axe] - Diamond Axe (Sharpness 2, Unbreaking 3)
• 1x [VIP Helmet] - Diamond Helmet (Protection 2, Unbreaking 3)
• 1x [VIP Chestplate] - Diamond Chestplate (Protection 2, Unbreaking 3)
• 1x [VIP Leggings] - Diamond Leggings (Protection 2, Unbreaking 3)
• 1x [VIP Boots] - Diamond Boots (Protection 2, Unbreaking 3)
• Ability to open 1 Player Vaults
• Ability to sell 3 items on Auction House
• Ability to use [item] in chat
• Bypass chat cooldown
• Ability to use /kit vip command
• Ability to use /enderchest command
• Ability to use /disposal command
• Ability to use /clear command
• 1x [VIP Sword] - Netherite Sword (Sharpness 2, Fire Aspect 1, Unbreaking 3)
• 1x [VIP Bow] - Bow (Flame 1, Punch 1, Power 3, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Pickaxe] - Netherite Pickaxe (Efficiency 3, Fortune 1, Unbreaking 3)
• 1x [VIP Helmet] - Netherite Helmet (Protection 2, Blast Protection 3)
• 1x [VIP Chestplate] - Netherite Chestplate (Protection 2, Blast Protection 3)
• 1x [VIP Leggings] - Netherite Leggings (Protection 2, Blast Protection 3)
• 1x [VIP Boots] - Netherite Boots (Protection 2, Blast Protection 3)
• Ability to open 1 Player Vaults
• Ability to sell 2 items on Auction House
• Ability to use [item] in chat
• Bypass chat cooldown
• Ability to use /kit vip command
• Ability to use /enderchest command
• Ability to use /disposal command
• Ability to use /feed command
• Ability to use /clear command
• 1x [VIP Sword] - Wooden Sword (Sharpness 1, Unbreaking 3)
• 1x [VIP Bow] - Bow
• 1x [VIP Helmet] - Iron Helmet
• 1x [VIP Chestplate] - Chainmail Chestplate
• 1x [VIP Leggings] - Chainmail Leggings
• 1x [VIP Boots] - Iron Boots
• Ability to open 1 Player Vaults
• Ability to sell 2 items on Auction House
• Ability to use [item] in chat
• Bypass chat cooldown
• Ability to use /kit vip command
• Ability to use /enderchest command
• Ability to use /disposal command
• Ability to use /feed command
• Ability to use /clear command
• 1x [VIP Sword] - Diamond Sword (Sharpness 2, Unbreaking 3)
• 1x [VIP Bow] - Bow (Power 1)
• 1x [VIP Helmet] - Diamond Helmet (Protection 1)
• 1x [VIP Chestplate] - Diamond Chestplate (Protection 2)
• 1x [VIP Leggings] - Diamond Leggings (Protection 2)
• 1x [VIP Boots] - Diamond Boots (Protection 1)
• Ability to open 2 Player Vaults
• Ability to sell 3 items on Auction House
• Ability to create 2 Player Warps
• Ability to set 3 Homes Locations
• Ability to create 5 Chest Shops
• Ability to use [item] in chat
• Ability to silk touch spawners
• Death ban of 12 hours
• Bypass chat cooldown
• Ability to use /kit vip command
• Ability to use /enderchest command
• Ability to use /tpahere command
• Ability to use /craft command
• Ability to use /hat command
• Ability to use /clear command
• 1x [VIP Sword] - Diamond Sword (Sharpness 2, Unbreaking 5)
• 1x [VIP Pickaxe] - Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Axe] - Diamond Axe (Efficiency 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Bow] - Bow (Power 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Helmet] - Diamond Helmet (Protection 1, Unbreaking 5)
• 1x [VIP Chestplate] - Diamond Chestplate (Protection 1, Unbreaking 5)
• 1x [VIP Leggings] - Diamond Leggings (Protection 1, Unbreaking 5)
• 1x [VIP Boots] - Diamond Boots (Protection 1, Unbreaking 5)
• Ability to open 2 Player Vaults
• Ability to sell 3 items on Auction House
• Ability to create 2 Player Warps
• Ability to set 3 Homes Locations
• Ability to place 6 minions limit
• Ability to create 5 Chest Shops
• Ability to use [item] in chat
• Ability to silk touch spawners
• Bypass chat cooldown
• Ability to use /kit vip command
• Ability to use /enderchest command
• Ability to use /craft command
• Ability to use /hat command
• Ability to use /clear command
• 1x [VIP Sword] - Netherite Sword (Sharpness 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Pickaxe] - Netherite Pickaxe (Efficiency 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Axe] - Netherite Axe (Efficiency 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Shovel] - Netherite Shovel (Efficiency 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Hoe] - Netherite Hoe (Efficiency 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Helmet] - Netherite Helmet (Protection 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Chestplate] - Netherite Chestplate (Protection 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Leggings] - Netherite Leggings (Protection 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Boots] - Netherite Boots (Protection 1, Unbreaking 1)
• Ability to open 2 Player Vaults
• Ability to sell 3 items on Auction House
• Ability to create 2 Player Warps
• Ability to set 3 Homes Locations
• Ability to create 5 Chest Shops
• Ability to use [item] in chat
• Ability to silk touch spawners
• Bypass chat cooldown
• Ability to use /kit vip command
• Ability to use /enderchest command
• Ability to use /craft command
• Ability to use /hat command
• Ability to use /clear command
• 1x [VIP Sword] - Netherite Sword (Sharpness 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Pickaxe] - Netherite Pickaxe (Efficiency 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Axe] - Netherite Axe (Efficiency 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Shovel] - Netherite Shovel (Efficiency 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Hoe] - Netherite Hoe (Efficiency 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Helmet] - Netherite Helmet (Protection 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Chestplate] - Netherite Chestplate (Protection 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Leggings] - Netherite Leggings (Protection 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Boots] - Netherite Boots (Protection 1, Unbreaking 1)
OP Survival
• Ability to open 2 Player Vaults
• Ability to sell 3 items on Auction House
• Ability to create 2 Player Warps
• Ability to set 3 Homes Locations
• Ability to create 5 Chest Shops
• Ability to use [item] in chat
• Bypass chat cooldown
• Ability to use /kit vip command
• Ability to use /enderchest command
• Ability to use /craft command
• Ability to use /hat command
• Ability to use /clear command
• 1x [VIP Sword] - Netherite Sword (Sharpness 1, Unbreaking 2)
• 1x [VIP Pickaxe] - Netherite Pickaxe (Efficiency 1, Unbreaking 2)
• 1x [VIP Axe] - Netherite Axe (Efficiency 1, Unbreaking 2)
• 1x [VIP Shovel] - Netherite Shovel (Efficiency 1, Unbreaking 2)
• 1x [VIP Hoe] - Netherite Hoe (Efficiency 1, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Helmet] - Netherite Helmet (Protection 2, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Chestplate] - Netherite Chestplate (Protection 2, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Leggings] - Netherite Leggings (Protection 2, Unbreaking 1)
• 1x [VIP Boots] - Netherite Boots (Protection 1, Unbreaking 2)